Printed materials for SMEs, major enterprises and corporations
Partnering with Kromer Print AG means you can procure printed materials such as stationery, promotional materials, give-aways and POS material more efficiently and cost-effectively. We optimise and simplify the processes of major enterprises and corporations and supply high-quality climate-neutral products. Our innovative and efficient procurement methods are the result of continuous fine-tuning and in-depth analyses of the subject matter. Thanks to our wide-ranging experience, we can give you all the support you need.

Printlogistik® is an exclusive service of Kromer Print AG in Lenzburg and allows the Swiss printing sector to remain competitive.
The Printlogistik® portal combines the traditional functionality of a shop with a Web-to-print environment. Thanks to an individual user login, your employees always have access to the latest data. This type of order processing is part of a strategy that we offer for outsourcing your printed business and promotional materials.
- Centralised and standardised processes and products
- Personalisation and ordering of printed materials online
- Handling of complex products such as personalised mailshots (incl. inserts) and product kits
- Overview/control over external warehouse
- Detailed visual information on specific products
- Personalised texts and images without the need for graphic design skills
- Strict compliance with CI/CD requirements
- Personalised product previews to download in PDF format
- Permanent storage of personalised documents (e.g. business cards)
- Storage of delivery and billing addresses
- Order confirmation by email, including access to “ready-to-print” data
- Control mechanism for securing stock levels
- Approval function for customers to approve orders internally
- Link to customer systems (e.g. ERP, AD, HR, etc.)
A more advanced, additional solution is offered by the easy-to-use marketing management software publiXone®. This allows you to edit and partially design the layout of large documents such as brochures and price lists in detailed and complex workflows.
- Create marketing materials and templates for projects
- Complete tasks such as translations, proofreading or Web-to-print applications
- Specify clearly defined workflows
- Specify individual access rights for process participants
- Minimise and simplify project/process communications
- Cooperate with us every step of the way during the creation process
- Based on the InDesign Server